I was feeling stressed out cz i know it's time for me to fart out a blog new entry. I've read an article in Allkpop. You know, what makes me exicited. Hyun Bin (The actor famous for his role in SBS' secret garden) will attend the Berlin Film Festival, from 15th to the 23th February. Lol most of those netizens, who comment on this article obviously live in Germany. one of them said ''i'll be waiting at the airport..''
He's gonna be confused on the red carpet or at the airport cz blonde girls will scream his name ''HYUN BIN OPPA SARANGHAEYO'' lol. korean wave is starting to hit germany :P . an online german radio station will play Kpop on their February 21st broadcast.

one of my friends at University sent me a song and this photo. cause i was cold and wore my coat in cafeteria and i said to him that i hate winter. His name is Thorsten. Last Summer we met in cafeteria and talked about everything. he said to me he likes to take pictures of trains in summer. i think it's kinda cool.
6 Kommentare:
lagunya mana put?
@dyah: Lagu Deutsche yah hahahha. Lagu sommer. tw lah lagu deutsche begimana, untuk yang suka Kpop hmmmm...
aku mau datenggg huwaa... eh kamu beli tiket db ya? di pake kemana kira2?
@dyah: iya beli tiket DB. ngga tw mw kemana blom ada rencana. nanti aja abis ujian ku pikirin
i'll be there guys..
sapa yang mau ikut??
@mba maya: mauuuuuuuuu.. mba maya,, insya Allah ke berlin (belum fix tp)
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